Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Always there for me

On a side note among all the anger and frustrations..

The trigger point that made me  broke down and cried ladt night was when tui look for me in the kitchen while i was combining the milk to freeze, at 4am.

He usually will just sleep and lie on his bed to accompany me and not move around (sometimes too lazy to even go back to the room after i did). But ytd, he suddenly came into the kitchen as if he knew i wasnt alright. That was when i squat down and hugged him and my emotions just ran wild.

Back to the living room, when the husband came out, he faster climb up to the sofa beside me. Im not sure if hes trying to siam ahwai thinking that hes gonna drag him down to pee again or was he trying to "protect"/ comfort or help me hide my tears. But that moment i felt the love and comfort from his fatty body.

Hes not the type of dog who will come up to wag tail at u furiously or fetch a toy to ask u play with him to cheer u up. But hes always there when i needed him emotionally.

I was telling the husband and aidens owner the other day that im actually quite worried of tui not eating and finishing his food. The amount hes eating is so little , and unless i sit down/ handfeed him, he will jus leave his dinner there.

Then the next few days he actually auto finished his breakfast AND DINNER on his own.

This morning when i had to wake up to feed baby at 6am, before i even go out of the room, i saw his little head popped at my mbr door , checking and waiting for me. And he followed me out AGAIN for the feeding....

:( i really love u alot tuitui. What am i gonna do without u next time....