Wednesday, 18 November 2020

To may, with love from may

Every event in your life is a lesson, in preparation to train you, to mould you and to prepare you for your soul purpose / the next phase in life.

If you cant control your ego, your mind, your positive or negative thoughts, it will be even harder for you when you go out to do your own business and be a healer/light worker because then, you will need even more courage, clear mind, detachment from over thinking, positivity and faith to hold on when shitty customers comes. 

Surrender and go with the flow of life. Do what you need to do. Continue to find back the old you with the right mindset. If can do just do, dont even think about how annoying it is. When you really need more time voice out.

Spread love and happiness to the people around you. Manifest good thoughts. 

From here you learn the ropes of building a brand. A chance for you to see things at a wider perspective, how strategist help business streamline their thoughts and come up with a plan/ roadmap. Use these knowledge and apply it to your own businesses in time to come.

Learn wad u should be and not be like so you dont repeat the footstep of others. Appreciate the little good things that are still happening now. Good colleagues, able to end work on time, bosses that are nice and can talk like friends not so much of corporate kind of top down management. 

Pace yourself and your work.

The right job or opportunity will come when you are really ready. When you are grounded. When you are fully equipped with the skills that makes u confident in gg out to the real world.

First, complete your ac level 3. Rmb to talk to a tree.

Then, plan your next step. Reiki level 2?

Go learn iris energy healing?

How to strengthen up your english so you can write better copies to translate on your page

Go for nagomi instructor course? (Where to find the money and time?)

Continue to look around for opportunities might just come knockimg at your door when you are relaxed. 

Go with the flow of life and trust that you are well protected. You are safe. Let go of your ego and do the best for your highest good. 

The highest good might not be a "happy" and smooth career with high paying job. For you wont learn and grow without going through tough times. 

Today is another day, a brand new day for your to carve out happiness. You choose how to live the day. 


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