Monday 2 March 2020

Most rewarding and touching moment of motherhood

Hello, its been 15 months and 2 weeks since the little boy came into our world. There are sleepless nights and crazy poo moments but im really thankful to have him as my son.

The first moment i felt relieve and happy and awwww was when he had his firsr cry when he came out. I seldom say baby cries are cute but that moment, i really felt omg how can a baby cry be so adorable. #okaymotherfangirlmodeon 

I wanna pen this down to remember how touched i am to hear him call "mama and papa" sweetly. Low key happy when he introduce me to strangers by Pointing at me and say "mama" to them.

And also when he gives me big hug like a little koala bear. I will try to carry u with as long as i can thou i often get lazy after awhile hahahah. Hands suan deh.

Pls grow up to be a happy and healthy boy. Stay cheeky always u sneaky baby.

We love u.